Please watch it closly... and I hope each one of you spread this message. may be one candel can't light a whole big room but with your candel and mine , other wil be able to light thier candels , then we will be be able light the rooms & all distracted minds .. Those peaople take in the month less than 1 $ and Irish cows take daily 4$ : what will you tell Allah When he ask you what have you done for ur brother muslims who are in a sever sever need!!! those people are muslims pray 5 times aday in the stons and dust. what idf this was your son or brother..! People they are humans as us , they feel by sadness and happiness and cry and talk ...Where is mercy in your hearts. help them even with one $ daily. Take from food & give them . we all are going to die. remember and we all will be back to Allah... think What will be your snswer then...!!!!try to know about islamic system (the khilafah) n read to ruling system of islam

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