After killing/rape of 1000s of innocent Muslim women, shameless RSS(A NON-MUSLIM COMMUNITY IN INDIA) introduced a new union called SF (SMART FRIENDS) to destroy Muslims and the guys in the SF are only college/school students. Their aim is to love muslim girls.. SF member aims to destroy at least one muslim girl's life n diz is the order of RSS.. Beware of SF. It is said that these fanatic Hindu guys are trained in such a way that they act like a real and sincere lover and Muslim girls may not have a slight doubt on them. They are also paid for buying gifts and other expenditure for dating Muslim girls.
Plz convey this message to muslim parents and muslim students specially Muslim girls.
RSS also distribute pamphletes to love/woo Muslim girls. Also they are doing SMS campaign to ruin Muslim girls.
If you dont believe see this:-
Rajesh Bidkar, a member of an Indore radical group ( Indore is the largest city in Madhya Pradesh state in central India ) on Tuesday issued a SMS 'farmaan' (edict) with a reward of Rs 5,000 ($120) for any Hindu boy who married a Muslim girl.
"He also and offered protection to Hindus who married Muslim girls.
In the message, Bidkar said he had no objection to Hindu girls marrying Muslims, provided they are not cheated in the name of a religion "which permits to keep more than one wife".
Urging people to forward the SMS to at least 10 others "in the interest of Hindutva", Bidkar said: "We are not against love, but against innocent girls being exploited in name of religion"."
Times of India News 27 th Feb 09 TIRUPATI: In a suicide pact, three love-lorn students jumped to death from a quarry site in Varadayapalem mandal of Chittoor district on Thursday.
The victims were students of Srikalahasti government Degree College.
Sources said the degree students went to the private quarry site at Mardayakunta in the afternoon and jumped to death. Ironically, another friend who was "party" to the suicide pact did not turn up. He went absconding.
It is learnt that Khurshida (18) , Uday Kumar (22) and Rashida (17) and Mani (22) have been in love for the last one year and wanted to get married on February 23 on Maha Sivaratri day. But they could not go ahead with their marriage plans.
Fearing that their families would oppose their wedding plans; the couples had decided to end their lives and made a suicide pact. Accordingly, Khurshida, Uday and Rashida came to the quarry site on time. They waited for Mani, but there was no trace of him. "Having decided to end their lives, the trio went ahead and committed suicide. Mani must have developed cold feet at the last minute and did not turn up," a police official said.
A manhunt has been launched to trace Mani. While the girls belonged to Karlapudi of KVB Puram mandal, the boys hailed from Buchinaidu Kandriga mandal of Chittoor district.
* Camels will no longer be used as a means of transport;
* People will ride on saddles that aren't saddles (cars?)
* The distance on earth will become short;
* Horses will not be used in wars;
* Muslims will defeat the Byzantines which will end with the conquest of Constantinople Istanbul);
* The Jews will gather again to live in Bilad Canaan;
* Very tall buildings will be built;
* The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance, with much killing;
* Adultery will become widespread, and the drinking of wine will become common;
* The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there are 50 women to be looked after by one man.
* Islam will become worn out like clothes are, until no one will know what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are;
* Allah will send a disease to fornicators that will have no cure (Aids?);
* People will begin to believe in the stars and reject AL QADAR (THE DIVINE DECREE OF DESTINY);
* Men will pass by people's graves and say: 'Would that I were in his place'; (large amount of suicidal deaths?)
* The Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold for which people will fight over (the river of Alfurat that lies near Syria );
* Two large groups of people will fight one another, and there will be many casualties; they will both be following the same rel igion World War II?);
* Approximately 30 DAJJALS will appear, each one claiming to be the messenger of ALLAH;
* Earthquakes will increase; * Time will pass quickly;
* Afflictions will appear;
* Killing will increase;
* Wealth will increase;
*Women will be wearing clothes but not wearing clothes.
* When a trust becomes a means of making profit;
*When paying ZAKKAT becomes a burden;
* When voices are raised in the Mosque;
* When the leader of a people is the worst of them; when people treat a man with respect because what he may do;
* When much wine is drunk; red wind or the earth swallow them, or to be transformed into animals.' *HAZRAT IMRAN IBN HUSSAIN SAID: 'THE PROPHET (S.A.W) SAID, 'SOME PEOPLE OF THIS UMMAH WILL BE SWALLOWED BY THE EARTH, TRANSFORMED INTO ANIMALS, AND SOME WILL BE BOMBARDED WITH STONES'. ONE OF THE MUSLIMS ASKED, WHEN WILL THAT BE O MESSENGER Of ALLAH?' HE (S.A.W) SAID, 'WHEN SINGERS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WILL BECOME POPULAR, AND MUCH WINE IS DRUNK.'' THE GREATER SIGNS OF THE HOUR The Quran will disappear in one night, even from the people's hearts, and no Ayah will be left on earth. (Some groups of old people will be left who will say: 'We heard of fathers' saying 'LAILLAHA ILLALLAH' so we repeat it); * The appearance of the IMAAM MAHDI;
* The appearance of the DAJJAL (Anti Christ);
* The appearance of Ya'juj an d Ma'juj (biblical Gog and Magog);
* HAZRAT ISSA (A.S) (Jesus) will come during the time of Dajjal;
* The rising of the sun from the west;
* The destruction of the KAA'BA and the recovery of its treasures;
* The smoke. Just remember-ALLAH (S.W.T)is watching you. Prayer Wheel, Let's see the devil stop this one! Here's what the wheel is all about. When you receive this, say a prayer for the person that sent it to you.... There are no costs, but wonderful rewards.... Let's continue praying for one another.
As we look at this article we realize how true the Messenger (P.B.U.H) was these signs were prophesized 1400 years ago!!! We have sent many Jokes and Non-sensible stuff, My sincere request is to let this mail go around the world to all Momeen and others to know more about Islam.
1- Don't let this message sit here.
2- Forward this message to all you know and by the grace of ALLAH (S.W.T) you will be blessed for each & every Dua by millions of people around the globe you forward this e-mail to.
May ALLAH SUBHANA WATAALA Forgive For Any Mistakes In Compiling This Message (AAMEEN)
Please Forward This Message To As Many People As You Can.
Thanks to
Mubasheruddin Ahmed Faculty Guide IP Campus: Hyderabad Mobile: 9849731026
One of the problems raised by the missionaries and orientalists is the imposition of tribute or jizyah on all non-Muslims. This institution has been so misinterpreted that the non-Muslims feel that it is some kind of religious-based discrimination against them. This is not the case. All the jizyah amounts are to be a financial obligation placed upon those who do not have to pay the zakah.
It is obvious that the jizyah is simply a technique used by Islamic governments to make sure that everyone pays a fair share. If the term jizyah is too offensive to non-Muslims, it can always be changed: `Umar ibn Al-Khattab levied the jizyah upon the Christians of Bani Taghlib and called it sadaqah (alms) out of consideration for their feelings.
The noted historian Sir Thomas W. Arnold, in his Call to Islam, states
This tax was not imposed on the Christians, as some would have us think, as a penalty for their refusal to accept the Muslim faith. Rather, it was paid by them in common with the other dhimmis or non-Muslim subjects of the state whose religion precluded them from serving in the army, in return for the protection secured for them by the arms of the Muslims. When the people of Hirah contributed the sum agreed upon, they expressly mentioned that they paid this jizyah on condition that 'the Muslims and their leader protect us from those who would oppress us, whether they be Muslims or others.'
In his covenant with the people of certain cities near Al-Haira, Khalid ibn Al-Walid recorded "If we are able to protect you, we deserve the collection of jizyah."
The seriousness with which the Muslims took their covenants with the non-Muslims is well illustrated by the following incident. During the reign of the second caliph, `Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, the Roman emperor Heraclius raised a huge army to repel the Muslim forces. It was thus incumbent upon the Muslims to concentrate their efforts on the battle. When the commander of Muslims, Abu `Ubaydah heard this news, he wrote to his officials in all conquered cities in Syria and ordered them to return the jizyah which had been levied in those cities. He also addressed the public saying, "We are returning your money because we know that the enemy has gathered troops. By the terms stipulated in the covenant, you have obliged us to protect you. However, since we are now unable to fulfill these conditions, we have returned to you what you paid to us. We shall abide by the terms agreed upon in the covenant, if Allah helps us to rout the enemy."
Thus, a huge amount was taken form the state treasury and returned to the Christians, making them very happy. They prayed for and blessed the Muslim commanders. They exclaimed, "May Allah help you to overcome your enemies and return you to us safely. If the enemy were in your place, they would never have returned anything to us, but rather they would have taken all our remaining property."
The jizyah was also imposed on Muslim men who could afford to buy their way out of military service. If a Christian group elected to serve in the state's military forces, it was exempted from the jizyah. Historical examples of this abound. The Jarajima, a Christian tribe living near Antioch (now in Turkey), by undertaking to support Muslims and to fight on the battle front, did not have to pay the jizyah and were entitled to a share of the captured booty.
When the Islamic conquests reached northern Persia in AH 22, a similar covenant was established with a tribe living on the boundaries of those territories. They were consequently exempted from jizyah in view of their military services.
Other examples are to be found during the history of the Ottoman Empire. The Migaris, a group of Albanian Christians, were exempted from the jizyah for undertaking to watch and guard the mountain ranges of Cithaeron and Geraned (which stretch to the Gulf of Corinth). Christians who served as the vanguard of the Turkish army for road repairs, bridge construction, and so on, were exempted form the kharaj (land tax). As a reward, they were also provided with some lands, free of all taxes.
The Christians of Hydra were exempted when they agreed to supply a group of 250 strong men for the Muslim naval fleet. The Armatolis, Christians from southern Romania, were also exempted from the tax, for they constituted a vital element in the Turkish armed forces during the 16th and 17th centuries. The Mirdites, an Albanian Catholic clan who lived in the mountains of northern Scutari, were exempted on the condition that they would offer an armored battalion in wartime. The jizyah was also not imposed on the Greek Christians who had supervised the building of viaducts that carried water to Constantinople, nor on those who guarded the ammunition in that city, as just compensation for their services to the state. However, Egyptian Muslim peasants exempted from military service were still required to pay the jizyah.
* This article is excerpted, with some modifications, from the author's Islam at the Crossroads.
** Muhammad Asad (born Leopold Weiss in July 1900) was a Jew who converted to Islam in 1926. He traveled extensively throughout the Muslim world and was appointed the first Pakistani ambassador to the United Nations. He wrote several books; some of the prominent ones are Road to Mecca, The Message of the Qur'an, and Islam at the Crossroads.
Reference number 1:
Every Muslim must consider the following saying of the Prophet very seriously; Jabir reported that the Prophet used to deliver his sermon with this opening:
“The best word is the Book of Allah and the best way is that of Muhammad. The Worst deed is innovation and each innovation is a deviation from Islam.”
[Sahih Muslim: Vol. 2, No. 1885.]
Reference number 2:
“Every deviation from Islam leads to Hell-fire”.
[Sunan Nisa’ee:: (vol. 2, no. 1581.)
Reference number 3:
‘Aa’ishah reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Whoever does an act which is not in agreement with our faith, such an act is rejected.”
[Sahih Al-Bukhari: (vol. 3, no. 861.).]
Reference number 4:
There is another report by her with different wordings:
“Whoever invents something in our faith which does not originally exist, has nothing to do with us.”
[ Sahih Muslim: (vol. 3, p. 931, nos. 4266-7).]
Reference number 5:
‘Irbad ibn Sariyah reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Whoever survives me would observe many differences. However, you should follow my sunnah and that of my rightly guided caliphs. Adhere to it firmly. Beware! Avoidinnovation, for each innovation is a deviation from Islam.”
Islamabad: A top government official of Pakistan's Taliban-controlled Swat region has made a surprise claim that the amateur video clip shown by television channels of a 17-year-old girl being flogged was fabricated, media reports say.
Malakand Division Commissioner Syed Mohammad Javed was quoted by local media as saying that the incident shown in the video clip had not happened in the Swat valley and that the accents of the people heard speaking in the video were not those of the region.
"This fabricated video clip is a conspiracy to sabotage the Swat peace deal between the Taliban and the NWFP government," the commissioner said after his visit to the Kala Kalay village where the incident is alleged to have taken place.
Swat Taliban Spokesman Muslim Khan echoed his sentiments, claiming the tape was the handiwork of pro-West organisations.
Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters The modern sceince has revealed how we have to suffer from electromagnetic waves in this time of advanced machinery and how Sajda (prostration) can save us from the hazard of these electromagnetic radiations. Also discover the equipments which you would have never expected to be e.m. wave emitter. Salat and E.M. Wave Earthing
Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters Lets learn the Salat through these self explanatory figures The important mistake in the figure is that feet are not directed towards Ka'aba. They must be paralel to each other and should be in the the direction of Ka'aba.It is not about feet only but about every part at its time.One should look in such a way as if the Ka'aba is in front of him and he is looking at it and the gaze should be lowered as the hands are tied up and the gaze should be on the Sajda (Prostration) place Either a big Ayat (like Ayatul Kursi) or some small Soorah should be added up with the Soorah Fatiha.
The parts of body that are involved in rukoo' must be in a straight line.
Nose should also touch the ground.
The arm should not be sticked to the thigh rather it should be kept at some distance from thigh. The garment for men should be atleast covering the elbows but for women, full sleeve garment is a must. During Tashah'hud, when he reaches Ash'hadu a(n) llaaa ilah ill(a) allah At llaa, he has to point his finger of right hand as shown below and then drop it down at ill(a) The letters in brackets () remain silent. If one is reading 3rd 04 4th rak'at of Farz (Obligatory) Salat, he has to recite Soorah Fatiha only, otherwise some Soorah has to be added. In the final tashah'hud, he has to read the Tashah'hud, Darood Shareef and any other Dua (like Dua masoora)
Some Mistakes done during Salat
A mistake in the figure itself is that the lower garment is below ankles.One must retain in his mind that lowering the izaar (Garment) below ankles is Haram for men and wome must not trail their garment upon earth.
Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters Here are some graphics to easily teach you how to perform (Wuzoo) ablution. One should brush his teeth with MISWAK before rinsing mouth. Then one should lick half of his neck area. After washing feet, one should drink the remaining water of Wuzoo standing in Qibla direction. Then he should raise his finger to the sky and say, "As'hadu a(n)llaaa ilah ill(a) allahu wa ash'hadu ann muhammadan abduhoo wa rasooluh(oo) The words in the brackets () are kept silent. One should not talk during performing Wuzoo because the one who wants to perform a Salat of Khushoo'a (Excellency) has to perform Wuzoo of Khushoo'a.
So now do Wuzoo and enjoy Salat. Wassalaam Muhammad Aslam Ibne Meer Al Hindi
لا اله الا الله. محمدا رسول الله الحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه ومن اهتدى بهديه إلى يوم الدين أما بعد السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
(Taken from "Uddat as-Sâbireen wa Dhâkirat ash-Shâkireen")
Salmân al-Fârsî radhiyAllahu anhu said: "There was a man who was given many of the luxuries of this world, and then they were taken away from him. But he continued to praise and thank Allâh until everything had been taken from him, even his bed. And then he still praised and thanked Allâh. Another man, who had also been given many of the luxuries of this world asked him, 'What are you praising and thanking Allâh for?' The man said, 'I am praising and thanking Him for blessings which, if others asked me to give them to them in return for all that they have, I would never give them up.' 'What can they be?' asked the second man. 'Can't you see?' asked the first man. 'I have my eyesight, my tongue, my hands, my feet...'"
Layth ibn Abî Burdah said: 'When Allâh gathers people on the Day of Judgement, He will remind them of His blessings. One of His slaves will say: "Remind me of something," and Allâh will say: "Remember when you faced such-and-such adversity, and you prayed to Me, so I relieved you of it. Remember when you were travelling in such and-such a place, and you asked Me to give you a travelling companion, and I did so... Remember when you asked for the hand of so-and-so the daughter of so-and-so, and others also asked for her hand, so I gave her to you to marry; and kept the others away." His slave will be standing before his Lord, Who will remind him of His many blessings.'" Then the narrator of this story (Layth) wept and said, "I hope that no one will stand before his Lord in this way, because the one who does so will be punished." (i.e. if Allâh has to point out that which should be obvious, this is a sign of a person's ingratitude, and he will be punished.)
A man of knowledge said: "The blessing of Allâh to us in keeping the luxuries of this world away from us is greater than the blessing of that which he has given us, because Allah did not like His Prophet to have the luxuries of this world. So I prefer to live in the manner which Allâh preferred for His Prophet than to live a life which He disliked for him."
Ibn Abi'd-Dunyâ said: "It was narrated to me that some scholars said: 'The scholar should praise Allâh for having deprived him of the luxuries of this life, in the same way that he should praise Him for what He has bestowed upon him. How can you compare the blessings and luxuries for which he will be accountable to the deprivation of luxuries which is a relief from being tested, and which keeps his mind free to worship and remember Allâh? So he should give thanks to Allâh for all of that.'"
A man said to Abû Hâzim: "What is the gratitude of the eyes?"He said,"If you see good things, you speak about them, and if you see bad things, you keep quiet about it."He asked,"What is the gratitude of the ears?"He said,"If you hear something good, you accept it, and if you hear something bad, you reject it." Then he asked,"What is the gratitude of the hands?"He said,"Do not take what which does not belong to you, and do not hold back from paying the dues of Allâh (zakât)."Then he asked,"What is the gratitude of the head?"He said:"To have knowledge in it."Then he asked,"What is the gratitude of one's private parts?"
He said :"'Who guard their private parts, except from those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess – for (in their case) they are free from blame, but those whose desires exceed those limits are transgressors' " (Soorah Mu'minûn 23:5-7).
Ibn Abi'd-Dunyâ mentioned that Dâwûd (Alaihi ssalaam) asked Allâh: "What is the least of Your blessings?"Allâh revealed to him: "O Dâwûd, take a breath."Dâwûd did so, and Allâh told him: "This is the least of My blessings on you."
Topic Sent by : Ajaz Shukran wa jazakallah Ya Akhee
Method of Loci is a technique for memorizing many things and has been practiced since classical antiquity. It is a type of mnemonic link system based on places (loci, otherwise known as locations), used most often in cases where long lists of items are concerned. It was taught for many centuries as a part of the curriculum in schools, enabling an orator to easily remember a speech or students to easily remember many things at will. There are different techniques and approaches for the "Method of Loci", and in medieval schools (as in Aristotle, Topics, Bk. 8), "Ars Memoriae" was considered to be equally a part of dialectics as of rhetoric
Loci As Architecture and The "Memory Palace"
In ancient advice, loci were physical locations, usually in a familiar large public building, such as a market or a temple. To utilize this method, one walked through the building several times, viewing distinct places within it, in the same order each time. After a few repetitions of this, one should be able to remember and visualize each of the places in order reliably. To memorize a speech, one breaks it up into pieces, each of which is symbolized by vividly imagined objects or symbols. In the mind's eye, one then places each of these images into different loci. They can then be recalled in order by imagining that one is walking through the building again, visiting each of the loci in order, and viewing each of the images that were placed in the loci, thereby recalling each piece of memory or speech in order.
In all mnemonic arts, advice is given that the mental places should be well lit, clearly set out in a particular order, at moderate intervals apart. The more architectural elaborations of rooms, passages and niches it has the better — in the sixteenth century, the sequence of architectural loci was sometimes called a "Memory Palace." But the loci were also to be grouped or "chunked" in "brief" sets of items, no more than what the mind's eye can encompass in one glance: this is the medieval equivalent of what we now call a "working memory" (Carruthers, 1990, Dudai 2002). Loci can actually be used to remember more than one set of ordered things. The images may be replaced by new ones--the loci are the "wax tablet" or "page" on which one writes the images, as one can write with a stylus onto a more permanent surface. The characteristics of the images one uses are very important. They should be unusual, vivid and striking, and it is good if they have emotional content as well. Humorous, obscene or sacrilegious ones (as they may seem to us) are often used. The goal is to make a uniquely memorable picture (Frances Yates 1966, Small 1997).
Because one can readily imagine moving through a memory structure starting at some arbitrary point, one can easily recall the list starting from any point in it, and even recall it easily in reverse order. Prodigious memory feats have been attributed to this method. The art of memory is an aid to composition and rhetoric, not an aid to rote memorization. In the Middle Ages, it was carefully distinguished from rote, for with rote memory, one must always go in the same order. The use of loci within a system produced a sort of memory which one can enter from an infinite number of places, and thus one can work with it-- change it about, shuffle, go backwards or forwards or jump around (Carruthers 1990; Carruthers, Ziolkowski 2002).
Contemporary Usage
A reference to these techniques survives to this day in the common English phrases "in the first place", "in the second place", and so forth.
All top memorizers today use this technique to a greater or lesser degree. Contemporary memory competition was initiated in 1991 [1] and introduced to the USA in 1997 [2]. Part of the competition requires committing to memory and recalling a sequence of digits, 2-digit numbers, alphabetic letters, or playing cards. In a simple method of doing this, contestants, using various strategies well before competing, commit to long-term memory a unique vivid image associated with each item. They also have committed to long-term memory a familiar route with firmly established stop-points or loci. Then in the competition they need only deposit the image that they have associated with each item at the loci. To recall, they retrace the route, stop at each locus and observe the image. This they then translate back to the associated item. Memory champions elaborate on this by combining images. Eight-time World Memory ChampionDominic O'Brien[3] advocates this technique. His name for it is The Journey Method. The 2006 World Memory Champion, Clemens Mayer from Germany, used a 300-point-long journey through his house for his world record in "number half marathon", memorizing 1040 random digits in a half hour.
Using this technique a person with ordinary memorization capabilities, after establishing the route stop-points and committing the associated images to long-term memory, with less than an hour of practice can remember the sequence of a shuffled deck of cards. The world record for this is held by Ben Pridmore at 26.28 seconds[4].
The technique is taught as a metacognitive technique in learning to learn courses. It is generally applied to encoding the key ideas of a subject. Two approaches are; 1. Link the key ideas of a subject and then deep-learn those key ideas in relation to each other. 2 Think through the key ideas of a subject in depth, re-arrange the ideas in relation to an argument, then link the ideas to loci in good order. It has been found that teaching such techniques as pure memorization methods often leads students towards surface learning only. Therefore, it has been recommended that the method of loci should be integrated thoroughly with deeper learning approaches.