Asslamua alikum brothers and sisters.
Below you ca see the preparation of Kaaba gilaf.
U know how much it costs?
17 Million Saudi Riyals...
The Kaa'ba is covered by a black cloth known as 'Kiswa', which is produced & changed every year. Special factory designed for the making of Kiswa in Makkah. It costs approx. SR 17million.The cloth is made of 670kgs of silver dyed black, about 120kgs of pure gold & 50kgs of silver used in writing the Qur'anic verses over the cloth. The total area of the cloth is 658sqr meter.

Here you can see what are the various pats of Kaaba.
This daigram will help you perform Hajj in crrect manner as you will be knowing where are varios maqaams of Kaaba.
Muhammad Asam Ibne Meer al Hindi